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The Hidden Costs of Misconfiguration

by John Ryan, Varsha Munishwar — Sep 27, 2022

A Cryptic Error

Take a look at this error message:

Updating resource service/petc (serving.knative.dev/v1)
  API server says: 
     admission webhook "validation.webhook.serving.knative.dev" denied the request:
        validation failed: 
           "PORT" is a reserved environment variable: spec.template.spec.containers[0].env[0].name

What you’re looking at is the tail end of a 30-minute circuitous journey locating and collecting logs after a particular service apparently failed to deploy. 🥵

The person trying to decipher this cryptic-to-them error message wasn’t versed in the intricacies of Knative services. What they did know was that there’s a configuration option in the package they are using to inject environment variables.

Here’s the simplified schema:

#! schema.yaml
service_name: ""
  - name: ""
    value: ""

and they had supplied these data values:

# values.yaml
service_name: hello
  - name: PORT
    value: "5432"

When they deployed their application, all seemed to be in order… until it wasn’t.

Now, in this reduced example, the source of the error is probably obvious to the reader. But consider when there are dozens (if not more) Data Values involved… or if there weren’t so obvious matchable strings in the error message and inputs.

And at least in this case, there’s an admission webhook involved. Imagine if the workload simply quietly failed to run? Or ignored the invalid configuration altogether??!?

It’s a recipe for pain. 😖

Shift Left Configuration Errors

The key to avoiding this kind of suffering is to “shift left” the validating input values.

By “shift left”, we mean moving a test or check to an earlier step in the process. This has two key effects:

  1. the end-user gets immediate feedback, saving them (potentially hours) of troubleshooting;
  2. the message they get is in terms of the inputs they provided, not in places where that input was used.

We’ve actually grown to expect this kind of thing from web applications we use every day. Signing up for a service, we’re often asked for our email address. Usually, we get immediate feedback when we put in a value that is not a well-formed email address.

Introducing ytt Validations

As of ytt v0.43.0, you now have the ability to give your user that more useful/pleasant experience of reporting an erroneous input right away.

Using our example above, the author could simply include a validation annotation:

  #! schema.yaml
  service_name: ""
+     #@schema/validation ("environment variable name, expect PORT (which is reserved)", lambda v: v != "PORT")
      name: ""
      value: ""


  • each value given for additional_env_values will be validated;
  • name: has a validation rule defined:
    • the first parameter is a user-friendly message, describing what a valid value is;
    • the second parameter is an expression that implements that rule (here, the value of name:, passed to v can’t equal "PORT").

Instead of having to find and make heads-or-tails of the error message at the top of this article
… as soon as ytt is invoked, they see this:

$ ytt -f schema.yaml --data-values-file values.yaml
ytt: Error: Validating final data values:
    from: values.yaml:4
    - must be: environment variable name, expect PORT (which is reserved) (by: schema.yaml:6)


  • the data value they supplied additional_env_values[0].name is directly referenced (including filename and line number);
  • the definition of a valid value is given.

It’s seconds, not minutes (or hours) to learn what when wrong, how, and what they can do to fix it.

Now that’s a delightful experience. 🥳

Where to, from here?

Learn more about ytt Validations:

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